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Logo Creation  |  Visual Identity  |  Print Layout  |  Email Marketing CMS 


eNHance was a campaign to modernize the State of New Hampshires' network security, they were in need of a logo and visual identity for this campaign that consisted of webinars and a few supporting print materials.

eNHance_eNHance Header.png


I wanted to develop a look & feel that was as modern as the work the IT Team was doing to the networks themselves. The inspiration behind this look was dark mode, that feature we all know and love on our devices. I wanted to implement a look that subtly alludes to this feature, while also calling out certain areas with a vibrant and modern gradient. I developed the logo to have the NH stand out in eNHance since it was for the State of New Hampshire specifically, also including a line work version of their state seal.

Full Print Layout eNHance.png
eNHance_enhance 02.png
eNHance_enhance 07.png
eNHance_enhance 06.png


During this successful project I developed the logo, brand visuals and identity to help the mission of modernization. I also designed print layouts for campaign development and awareness as well as email newsletters and webinar invitations. 

Kristen_Kokkel Footer.png

© 2024 by Kristen Sears.

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